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 pathfinder: come farsi sovvenzionare un gioco

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pathfinder: come farsi sovvenzionare un gioco Empty
MessaggioTitolo: pathfinder: come farsi sovvenzionare un gioco   pathfinder: come farsi sovvenzionare un gioco Icon_minitimeVen Mag 11, 2012 10:27 am

Da quanto ho capito questi geniacci realizzeranno una demo giocabile del gioco, ma per trovare degli appoggi da distributori e sovvenzionatori, hanno chiesto alla community di sovvenzionare economicamente la realizzazione della demo, dando i seguenti benefici a chi dona:

$5: You'll be able to see an exclusive long video of the final Technology Demo. Additionally, in thanks for your backing, you’ll be listed in a Special Thanks section of the Goblinworks website as well as in the release of the Pathfinder Online game.

$15: You’ll get access to the 64-page PDF of the Thornkeep book. In addition, you’ll get the $5 reward level.

$30: You’ll become a member of the Goblin Squad. Goblin Squad members will be identified with a special icon on the Goblinworks messageboards, currently on paizo.com and later on goblinworks.com. The Goblin Squad will receive special alerts letting them know about new information first: announcements, blog posts, concept art, etc. We’ll give special priority to Goblin Squad members throughout the development process. This is your chance to identify yourself to us and to the community as a key supporter of Pathfinder Online. In addition, you’ll get the $15 reward level.

$50: You’ll get a printed copy of the Thornkeep book. In addition, you’ll get the $30 reward level.

$75: You’ll get a printed copy of the Thornkeep book autographed by author Rich Baker and members of the Goblinworks team, and a poster of the Thornkeep cover artwork by artist Wayne Reynolds. In addition, you’ll get the $30 reward level.

$100: You’ll get a special Goblinworks T-shirt. In addition, you’ll get the $75 reward level.

$250: You’ll become a Goblinworks Founder. To commemorate this, you will receive a stock-like certificate suitable for framing announcing your status. You will also receive a special Founder icon (replacing the $30 level icon) on the Goblinworks messageboards on paizo.com and goblinworks.com. You will also receive a deluxe Goblinworks Founder challenge coin minted specifically for us. In addition, you’ll get the $100 reward level.

$500: You’ll become a Goblinworks Executive Founder. To commemorate this status, you will receive a gorgeous granite plaque with stand that will look great on your desk or shelf. The plaque will incorporate artwork in a special thermal process that actually makes it part of the granite. You’ll also receive a very nice leather messenger bag with an embossed Goblinworks logo. Since many GMs now use iPads or Kindles in their games, we are also including a nifty e-gadget portfolio that has a place to put your tablet, a pad of paper, and pockets for things like dice and pens. You’ll also receive a special Executive Founder icon (replacing the $250 and $30 level icons) on the Goblinworks messageboards on paizo.com and goblinworks.com. In addition, you’ll get the $250 reward level.

$1,000: You’ll be welcomed as part of a very small group of alpha playtesters in a closed playtest of Pathfinder Online. This will be a great chance for you to give us direct input on how Pathfinder Online ends up looking and playing in its final incarnation. (If, for some reason, Pathfinder Online never gets to its alpha playtest stage, you will be refunded $500. We don’t expect that to happen, but we want you to be comfortable knowing that you’ll get what you pay for!) In addition, you’ll get the $500 reward level.

$2,000: You’ll be welcomed to Goblinworks HQ in Redmond, Washington for a full day of interaction with our staff and a chance to play the technology demo. Your day will start off with a presentation by the Goblinworks staff showing our progress on Pathfinder Online. You will get a chance to talk with and ask questions of our staff and get firsthand insight into our plans. You will enjoy lunch while mingling with the entire staff of both Goblinworks and Paizo. After lunch, you will be the first folks outside of Goblinworks and Paizo to play in our technology demo, getting your first hands-on experience with Pathfinder Online. Backers at this level are responsible for their own transportation and lodging. Goblinworks will do its best to host this one-day festivity at a time that works best for the most backers, but we can’t guarantee that it will work for everyone. There will only be one Goblinworks HQ Day, and it is incumbent upon the backers at this level to be there on the selected day. In addition, you’ll get the $1,000 reward level.

$5,000: You’ll get the ultimate one-on-one experience at Paizo and Goblinworks HQ! Your day starts with a five-hour Pathfinder RPG gaming session with the celebrity GM of your choice: Rich Baker, Jason Bulmahn, James Jacobs, Erik Mona, or Wes Schneider. Sessions will be run for six players; you can fill the other five slots with your own guests, or we will fill them with folks from Paizo and Goblinworks. The adventure you play will be open to negotiation between the backer and the GM. Later that evening, you’ll share a dinner at the world-famous Herbfarm restaurant with Ryan Dancey, Lisa Stevens, and the celebrity GM. The Herbfarm (www.theherbfarm.com) has been dubbed one of the best restaurants in the world from such varied sources as Zagat, Frommer’s, Travel & Leisure, the James Beard Foundation, and National Geographic. Its nine-course dinners last more than three hours—plenty of time to enjoy the company of your dinner guests. We will regale you with stories from our times in this industry and answer your questions in an intimate setting. All in all, a once-in-a-lifetime experience! Backers of this level are responsible for their own transportation and lodging. Dates for this experience will be worked out to the mutual satisfaction of both the patron and Goblinworks. In addition, you’ll get the $2,000 reward level.

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